
Hello Lovely, I’m Ida.
Longish time ago I attended an Art University in England and studied Interior Architecture & Design. I had chosen this course as it felt the most likely one in the Uni catalogue to help me secure a job. Well it didn’t turn out to be the career path for me. It just didn’t feel creative enough and after three years of working hard to complete my degree I was completely done with the subject.
What followed was several years of working for a ‘multinational financial services corporation’ until right at the end of my maternity leave I decided not to go back to work (aaaarrrrgghh!). There were several reasons for this, but the main one was wanting to teach my son my mother tongue Finnish.
Now being a stay at home mum is extremely rewarding, yet at the same time utterly chaotic, insane and unpredictable. I constantly feel like I’m acting out a movie belonging to the comedy-drama-thriller-tragedy-foreign cinema-action-adventure genre. So, in order to cope, I have taken to using every possible moment I can to creating and making things.
This not only keeps me sane and smiling throughout the day, but it also provides me with tons of positive energy, inspiration and new ideas. One of which has been to stop telling myself “I can’t draw”, and just give it a go. Another was to throw out my tatty old notebook and start extending my head space online.
Hope you find some inspiration or ideas here.